And with the question I don't mean all the geek talk, thought geek talk is welcome too. With geek talk I mean stuff "we" gamer talk about, like which console are best, and why (because the GPU is higher level and bla bla) or the controllers. We usually talk about that, but today I was remembering about my last stop by EB Xpress. I entered the shop and I was a bit puzzled about the store I entered. There were games, but the people didn't look like gamers (I will explain how they look later)
Anyhow, that brings me to the point of how are you as a person a gamer??
What defines you as a gamer? What is diferent in you?
How do you dress, what kind of music you like?
A little description that woud describe you with your gamer genes (mine are inhereted, maybe yours are skill develop with practice )
I think we can make of this an interesting thread. Please, don;t be shy