Open Xandros Networks
Select Edit -> "Set Application Sources"
Check "Debian Unsupported Site"
Select OK
Select Settings -> "Expert View"
Now do a Search for your desired program
Select the install link to install it

After this I was able to download and install many software titles.

Warning: Debian repositories are not officially supported by Xandros and installing software from an unsuported repository can potentially frag your system especially if you mess with KDE. However, installing most applications from the unsupported site is unlikely to create problems.

That helped a lot in my daily fun. I have been using Xandros for about 3 hours now. I've managed to update all software from Xandros.. but there were several apps I wanted.. so I used the tip above to get more apps from the "unsupported debian database"

And I have been having fun trying to get my mx510 mouse to work fully. It now functions bascially as a 3 button and scroll mouse... but I have found a way to get the back and forward buttons to work and make it work more like in windows.

I am using the following site:

Just getting too tired.. its 1:15 am here.. so I am heading off to slumber.

@rik, for AV, just use Fprot in Linux.. it works fine.