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Thread: Windows is the best operating system?

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  1. #1
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    Question Windows is the best operating system?

    What do you think? I mean, considering that well over 90% of the world is using Microsoft's OSes, is there any truth that it is indeed the best operating system?

    I am curious to see what you all have to say.
    Last edited by Big Booger; December 24th, 2005 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Techzonez Governor Super Moderator Conan's Avatar
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    It's the most "mainstream" would be more appropriate. But let's wait for the troll to sway us from Microsoft products.
    Last edited by Conan; December 24th, 2005 at 02:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Old and Cranky Super Moderator rik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan
    It's the most "mainstream" would be more appropriate.

    Like I've said before, Microsoft has done more than anyone else to promote and bring computing to the masses...Whether that be good or bad is your own decision to make.

  4. #4
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    i only use the telephone and the calculator.


    i got the deadbolt on my backdoor

    windows is the most fun you can have for the computer

    all the games and emulators

    learn music creation....teach yourself photoshop in 21 days

    internet movies online greetings.......etc

    however, if you are the type that only needs an os with business applications, secure payment banking and secure database I would have to stay away from microsoft and use something else..

    but for play and fun and all things good, it is windows all the way baby

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan
    It's the most "mainstream" would be more appropriate. But let's wait for the troll to sway us from Microsoft products.
    I wonder though Conan, if there were a better alternative certainly the number of users would be more balanced toward the better OS. I mean if it were total sh!te as some like to say, wouldn't there be less people using it?

    I am not a Microsoft fanboy... you all know I am into linux, have helped several users on here get help and run quite a few distros myself...

    But when you think about it, what other OS is as compatible, as versatile and as easy to use as windows?

    You'll be hard to find one that meets all those criteria... Linux (nope) OSX (nope) BSD (nope) Unix (nope)...

    Is windows full of bugs and sometimes a pain the arse.. certainly.. Is it easy to jump on the windows bashing wagon? Definitely...

    But would your computing be better off without windows? I highly doubt it.

    Do I like windows better than other OSes... no. In fact, if I had to choose, it'd be either a linux variant, or OSX... (but that all depends on what I want to do as egghead said.)

  6. #6
    Banned Aloone_Jonez's Avatar
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    Right, you've raised the points this discussion normally raises so I'll deal with them and raise some more. Unfortunately I can't refer to any of the threads I've started here because the a certain administrator lost his temper and deleted them dispite the fact that they didn't violate the rules I suppose I can understand him being mad when he discovered Microsuck so he's forgiven. Damn I shouldn't have provided a link to that forum by using smilies from it and I don't know why I used the same user name, oh well I'll live and learn.

    Anyway back on track, I suppose I'll have to refer to the threads I've made over at Microsuck, be warned although I'll sensor any bad words in the quotes don't click on the links if you don't like swearing.

    Is Windows full of bugs?

    Well of course there are some bugs (like any software) but the NT kernel itself isn't that bad, read The Vandalisation of Windows and you'll see what I mean. Windows NT is loosly based on VMS because it was written by the same people - Microsoft hired a group of developers from Digital Equipment Corporation led by Dave Cutler, for more on this see the NT Wikipedia page.

    I've run Windows with no anti-virus (or other 3rd party sercurity products) for I don't know how long and my system is as stable and responsive as the day it was when I installed Windows. For the method check out this post and this thread also makes good reading.

    Infact I'll defend Windows if I hear anyone making unfair judgements about it and I sometimes play devil's advocate to over on Microsuck, often some members on will be forgiven for thinking that I actually support Microsoft.

    I Windows the best OS?

    Technically no, not for any purpose what so ever.
    Mac OS is the best desktop OS - it has an excellant user interface and a brilliant security model.
    The best server would be BSD.
    Linux is a healthy comprimise between the two but each distribution will be differant, Slackware is probably best for servers while Ubuntu or Mandiva are the best desktops.

    Another advantage with Linux is it's open source, this means if you know what you're doing you can fix bug yoursef and there are no undocumented functions (just try making sense of all the key in the Windows registry), this also makes it a low cost option. Linux is great because it's infinitely customisable and unlike Windows you can scale it to run on older hardware, for eample a 256MB 1GHz box might be set up with KDE, a 128MB 600MHz machine with GNOME, 64MB with XFCE, 32B with fluxbox and a text mode install for that <16MB crappy old pentuim 1. Software bloat isn't such a problem because you can recompile the kernel and remove the stuff you don't need although I've never needed to do this. I've had many flamewars with people about open source vs proprietary software, I don't have a problem with the latter but here's an agument I've had with someone who believes proprietary software is evil.

    What advantages does Windows have over Linux/BSD?

    It depends on your reasoning, I suppose running games is an advantage to the user but we can't look at this if we're judging the OS purely from a technical perspective.

    The only advantages Windows has over Linux is OLE and DDE, you can insert objects from one progam in an other and drag and drop objects between programs, also all Windows programs have a common look and feel, note that Mac OS also hase these features. Windows' main downfall against Linux/BSD and Mac OS is memory management and the security model - I could go on about this more but I'm sure you're aware of this.

    Has MS done anything good for the industry?
    The is whole new debate, and I've discussed this here.

    Does Microsoft innovate?
    No, most of the features in Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS have been copied from other software like Mac OS or UNIX.

    Some people say that Linux isn't innovative.
    True Linux has copied from Windows and Mac OS (look at KDE and XFCE) but they have innovated and added new features, take BASH for example, that's copied from UNIX but they've improved the command line editing and short cut features.

    Why does everyone use Windows then if it isn't the best?
    Why doesn't everyone use a Linux OS for example?

    Linux is in a bit of a vicious circle at the moment, people often don't use it because their hardware doesn't support it and neither does some of the Windows only software (for which there isn't a Linux equivalent) they use (mainly games and engineering software). Some hardware and software vendors don't start support Linux because (in their oppinion) it doesn't have a high enough user-base but how will it ever gain enough users if the industry doesn't back it?

    This also affects Mac OS, BSD, ect. and is the only reason why I use Windows, Linux won't run the electronic simulation software I require for my work and there's no Linux equivalent either, this thread is also good reading.

    Most people use Windows because they are unaware that any alternatives to it exist, and yes I do realize that this isn't the case for the people on this forum.

  7. #7
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aloone_Jonez
    Unfortunately I can't refer to any of the threads I've started here because the a certain administrator lost his temper and deleted them dispite the fact that they didn't violate the rules
    Care to name the administrator who you accuse of deleting threads. Get your facts right before making assumptions. To my knowledge none of your threads have been deleted by anyone.

    BTW, Good thread Boogs. Reel him in. Hook,line and sinker.

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  8. #8
    Banned Aloone_Jonez's Avatar
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    Sorry for jumping to conclusions, I'll pm you.

  9. #9
    Hardware guy Super Moderator FastGame's Avatar
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    Is Windows the best OS?

    Technically no, not for any purpose what so ever.
    Mac OS is the best desktop OS - it has an excellant user interface and a brilliant security model.
    Not true, for Games there's no OS better than Windows. Sure Linux is getting better but it has a long ways to go.

    I'm a hardware guy so I need code to run the stuff, an OS, which OS doesn't matter as long as its efficient in the area's I use my PC.

    My PC isn't used for work, its mainly used for gaming, music, movies. In this area I feel that Windows XP is the best OS. XP has the best hardware/game support bar none

    For people that mainly surf the net, online shopping, email and chat, I think they would be better served using Linux.

    On the windows security issues ? I'm not one who blames MS, instead I blame society.

    Contrary to popular Myth> MS security problems aren't the result of dummies who write crappy code. MS security problems exist because its the target of a society that raises children to be lying, deceitful, thieving scum bags who lack respect for fellow man !

  10. #10
    Techzonez Governor Super Moderator Conan's Avatar
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    Nice post FG!

  11. #11
    Banned Aloone_Jonez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastGame
    Not true,
    It is true - Linux is a technically superiour OS to Windows.

    Quote Originally Posted by FastGame
    for Games there's no OS better than Windows.
    Exactly, it depends on your perspective, mine one is a technical one and yours is a purely practical one. If you want to play games Windows is a more suitable OS than Linux for that particular application but it doesn't make it better from a technical perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by FastGame
    Sure Linux is getting better but it has a long ways to go. I'm a hardware guy so I need code to run the stuff, an OS, which OS doesn't matter as long as its efficient in the area's I use my PC. My PC isn't used for work, its mainly used for gaming, music, movies. In this area I feel that Windows XP is the best OS. XP has the best hardware/game support bar none
    I agree but why do you think the game developers and hardware manufactures choose to develop for Windows over Linux/Mac?

    Because Windows is more popular.

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    Linux is in a bit of a vicious circle at the moment, people often don't use it because their hardware doesn't support it and neither does some of the Windows only software (for which there isn't a Linux equivalent) they use (mainly games and engineering software). Some hardware and software vendors don't start support Linux because (in their oppinion) it doesn't have a high enough user-base but how will it ever gain enough users if the industry doesn't back it?
    I agree, I use Windows over Linux because it's compatable with the engineering software I use and you'll never catch me saying Windows is better than Linux. If MS didn't hava a monopoly over the market then developers would release games for Linux but this won't happen as I've described above - you should complain to the developers about this as it isn't Linux's fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by FastGame
    For people that mainly surf the net, online shopping, email and chat, I think they would be better served using Linux.
    Linux is better in general the only reason people who know better use Windows is due to hardware and software issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by FastGame
    On the windows security issues ? I'm not one who blames MS, instead I blame society.

    Contrary to popular Myth> MS security problems aren't the result of dummies who write crappy code. MS security problems exist because its the target of a society that raises children to be lying, deceitful, thieving scum bags who lack respect for fellow man !
    Good point and I'd like to agree but unfortunately this is the society we live in and MS haven't done a good job of protecting us from these people, in fact they're part of the problem by trying to dominate the market. In an ideal world we'd all use a mulitude of differant platforms, people could choose between Windows, Mac, Linux and BSD without having to worry about software and hardware support.

    Quote Originally Posted by lanken_man
    Well, I am using Microsoft OSs for 9 years now, I started with 95, ME, and now XP, I think it's the best so far,
    I agree Windows XP is a vast improvment over the DOS based 9x/ME series, I remember when my PC used to BSOD every hour or so - very frustrating.

    Quote Originally Posted by lanken_man
    I mean I used Linux too, but it's isn't much of my kind, I mean it is a lot more complicated, and it's not made for casual users.
    That does vary a lot from distro to distro.

    Quote Originally Posted by lanken_man
    Windows, by far is the simplest OS. So that is the main reason why people like it.
    Windows? simple?
    I can see your point but it isn't if you want to tweak it, just look at the registry and all those nice keys full of AEFE34D codes this is why people end up resorting to 3rd party software to fix problems. Linux might have a slightly steeper learning curve (yes I'm still cimbing it) but at least it's fully documented.

    Quote Originally Posted by lanken_man
    Now, a lot of people loooove Mac, but because of the price, they have all moved to Windows.
    Now the Mac, now that is easy to use, I've only used one once before but it's very easy to pick up, shame about the price though but I'm told it's worth it because you get top quality hardware too - something I've been considering for a while.

    In short most of the disadvantages people associate with Linux are due to its low market share but these won't go until the market share increases which won't happen due to the disadvantages created by the small market share - vicious circle again go damn it.

  12. #12
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    I would like to comment that I am waiting for a big game company to start releasing bootable game cd's built from linux.

    i feel these new bootable cd's will be dedicated and built around the game and will offer insane frame rates on todays hardware.

    quake 4 should have lead the way but instead opted to release quake 4 linux version install only

  13. #13
    Banned Aloone_Jonez's Avatar
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    Now that would be very cool.

    Also I've neglected to say that friends of mine have found Linux to be faster games wise, sadly I haven't found this to be the case since my graphics card doesn't support Linux properly - it's unaccelerated in Linux.

  14. #14
    Triple Platinum Member Curio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastGame
    Contrary to popular Myth> MS security problems aren't the result of dummies who write crappy code. MS security problems exist because its the target of a society that raises children to be lying, deceitful, thieving scum bags who lack respect for their fellow man!
    OOOoooh that is sooo true!!

    I have said it before and I will say it again, check Secunia for advisories on Linux/Unix and you will see that it really isn't that hot on security after all. People percieve Windows to be the insecure OS because it's what they use and the issues can and do affect them.

    Even the cut down OSes they use in phones have been found to have plenty of holes - Security and Function are oposed. The more function something has the harder it is to secure.
    I'm using Windows 7 - you got a problem with that?

  15. #15
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    nice debating going on in this thread

    very interesting'

    well done everone

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