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Thread: Switch one hard drive to another computer

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Aug 2002

    Switch one hard drive to another computer

    I have two older computers (about 8 years old) The one has a good hard drive with XP pro installed, but it has a slower processor in it. The other computer has a faster processor but the hard drive is shot. I tried putting the good hard drive into the other computer with the faster processor, but there are issues. I believe there is some trick or something I must do while the hard drive is still in the original computer, before I switch it to the other computer ??? I really do not want to wipe the hard drive and reinstll everything. Any help here, Thanks, Mike

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    What are the issues?

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  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    I get a message that the system process WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/SERVICES.EXE terminated unexpectantly, and will sutdown and restart. status code 1073741819

  4. #4
    Titanium Member efc's Avatar
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    Though you do not want to reinstall, I would proceed with the knowledge that it may end up being the only alternative.

    Therefore recommend that you slave that drive to working computer and save needed files to a large thumb drive or other media. Should all attempts to save your install fail, you will have backup files to deal with a fresh install.

    I see two main reasons for the problems you are having:

    First deals with drive designations. The recipient computer may not recognize the new drive. Go to bias setup to make sure the drive is recognized instead of the one you removed. Also, check for drive designation (the CD-ROM may have been drive D in the donor computer while it is drive E in the recipient). Next make sure the the boot sequence is properly set.

    Second likely problem would be that drive contains inappropriate drivers for the recipient computer. This can best be fixed by accomplishing a "Repair Install" - Instructions are here.

    Of course, another possibility is to install Linux on that computer. My choice for an older computer is Linux Mint 10 or 11 32 bit version.
    Last edited by efc; November 12th, 2011 at 20:05 PM.
    Linux Mint Debian Edition

  5. #5
    Silver Member
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    efc--Thanks for the reply, but the HD really has nothing on it to save. I usually wipe the drive, and install a fresh OS on it before I retire the computer for parts.
    The recipiant computer does recognize the HD. It boots up, I get the welcome screen etc. Then it loads the desktop and then freezes.
    Then I get WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/SERVICES.EXE terminated unexpectantly, and will sutdown and restart. status code 1073741819 I checked that status code in Google, and it talks about the Sasser worm, but that can't be it, because it was a fresh install.

  6. #6
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Download Malwarebytes (free version) and Ccleaner. Run scans in safe mode.



    One other thing to bear in mind which could be causing the issues. The drivers, registry and WGA on the swap drive are referencing the donor machine. The hard drive will indeed still boot in the recipient because it is generic hardware but loading incorrect drivers, etc, can cause the freeze and reboot.

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