But in the list of files it "can" play, the mpg box is checked. There is no mpeg box (that's a Unix extension, right)? (I'm running XP. ) Windows Media player has no trouble playing the avi file.

Now, when I click on the mpg urls and the mpeg url in the list below, each one downloaded and then presented me with a blank page with a tiny icon in the upper left corner (which I've often seen) and which I will describe: It is a square containing a red square, a blue triangle and a green circle.

OK. 2 questions:

1. What, exactly, does the appearance of that icon tell me?

2. Is there something I need to do with Windows Media Player to get it to play both mpg and mpeg files?

3. Is there some way to play those files if Media Player won't? I do not have any reason to believe there is anything wrong with the files themselves, for their source (Steve Bass who writes for PC World and runs the Pasadena IBM Users Group [pibmug]) often sends such files to those on his list.)

Files for November

Like you were wondering?

Larry Ellison reacts to Gates's recent court victory

What, me worry?

My chainsaw's bigger than your chainsaw (Really)

A well done car commercial

Remember those company safety films?

Throw the ball, willya?
