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Thread: new hsf - high temps still

  1. #61
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    buy yourself a tube of arctic silver III, run the chip at the factory clock, make sure the flow of air in the case is heading in the appropriate directions, in from front out through the back. Make sure your fan is spinning at the correct temp, and if all of that doesn't get the temp down to normal for an AMD chip, then it might be time for a water cooling solution

  2. #62
    Titanium Member
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    I am using Arctic silver 3 my temps (nice cool day today) are in the 40-42c range.

  3. #63
    Bronze Member Rex Mundi's Avatar
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    I have a P4 2.8GHz with HT installed with a genuine intel heat sink fan. Still when my CPU usage is maxed my cpu temperature reaches 60 degrees celcius. I have 2 additional case fans blowing out of the case, a big powersupply fan also sucking air away from the cpu out the case and a fan in the front blowing air into the case. Is this setup the most efficient for airflow inside the case? When my pc is idle, the cpu temp. is 48 degrees celcius.


  4. #64
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    not to familar with Intel cpu's but that seems alittle high. to see if your airflow is good take the side cover off and if the temp goes up then your airflow is fine. if the temp goes down then you need to change your configuration alittle better. Also are you using regular IDE ribbons. I know I have the round ones and that helps with airflow also if you tidy up your power cables that will help. Is your mobo temps high also if its just your cpu you might want to reapply your thermal grease, and if you have one of those thermal pads take it off then clean the HS with some cleaner and add some thermal grease. Let us know if this helps.

  5. #65
    Bronze Member Rex Mundi's Avatar
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    Thermal grease. I guess that must be part of the solution. I didn't put any on the p4 chip . About the case temperature, it's hot too, 45 degrees celcius. When i take the cover of the case off, the temperature drops by a couple degrees. But not much though. When i put my hand in the case, it doesn't feel that hot. Only when i put my hand next to the cpu fan, do i feel the hot air coming from my cpu, and believe me it's HOT. I'll see what i can do. I think i'll buy some grease, but about the fan configuration, i cant do much about it. All the rear fans occupy the available space, plus i dont think it would be wise to make em blow air into the case, right?

    thanks anyway, cheers
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  6. #66
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    From reading your configuration it sounds like you have got plenty of fans drawing the air out,but only one pulling air in.Therefore you may be pulling the cleaner,cooler air out too quickly.If possible fit an additional fan to the front that draws air in,or replace the current front fan with one that has got a higher cfm rating.

    And not wishing to sound patronizing,but check the air flow indicator arrows are pointing in the right direction. I made that mistake myself once.

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  7. #67
    Bronze Member Rex Mundi's Avatar
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    Thanks, i'll experiment some more with the fans. Also about the thermal grease, i must have that other thing you get with heatsinks, a conductive sticker, i cant remember what it's called. The hot air is indeed efficiently blown away from the CPU, but doesn't easily escape the case. I also thought about cutting away the metallic grid of the case where the fans are located for faster airflow. Would that be a good idea?
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  8. #68
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    I actually have my cpu fan blowing towards the heatsink. experimented with that and I lowers the temp a few degrees. but definately get yourself some thermal grease and put a small amount on the cpu and spread it with a old creditcard...then I put some on the heat sink and rub it in with a cloth.

  9. #69
    Bronze Member Rex Mundi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phishhead
    I actually have my cpu fan blowing towards the heatsink.
    Yes, thats right, that's what i have as well. I meant the case fans on the rear end, they should blow the air out of the case, i figured. Anyway, i can still get some thermal grease, but i am not sure it will make a huge difference. From the intel website, the heatsink that comes with the boxed version of the pentium 4, has been rigorously tested and performs suffiently. Besides, my system seems very stable, even at max cpu usage. Now that the summer will be arriving in a matter of months, i'll see if i need anymore cooling devices installed and/or thermal grease.

    thanks for the advice
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  10. #70
    Security Intelligence TZ Veteran cash_site's Avatar
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    well it also depends on your ambient temperature. If your MB temps are high too, it might be time to take the computer off the heating duct on the floor, and place in a dry, cool location & not in direct sunlight.

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  11. #71
    Bronze Member Rex Mundi's Avatar
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    Idle: CPU: 46C
    Case: 33C

    Max CPU usage: CPU: 60C
    Case: 45C

    This is the best i can get with thermal grease, which is present on the CPU when i checked. There would be just one solution left; getting a top of the notch CPU fan. I'm not sure if i should even bother, after all i have a genuine intel heatsink. Oh well, -> uninstall motherboard monitor
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  12. #72
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    rex seems like your case temp is alittle high. if you take the case off does the temp go up or down? you might have an air flow issue. because if you get the case temp down the cpu will follow.

  13. #73
    Hardware guy Super Moderator FastGame's Avatar
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    I agree with phishhead

    Your idle temps are the same as my underload temp and I'm overclocking everything. You either have your comuter in a warm room or you have an air flow problem. Your case to cpu temp ratio is fine, they're just high.

    If your PC doesn't sound like a vacum cleaner then you don't have enough fans

  14. #74
    Security Intelligence TZ Veteran cash_site's Avatar
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    If your PC doesn't sound like a vacum cleaner then you don't have enough fans
    Just dont put too many fans in that it sucks all the air from near computer that you pass out on your desk

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  15. #75
    all bets are off... TZ Veteran SupaStar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cash_site
    Just dont put too many fans in that it sucks all the air from near computer that you pass out on your desk
    Haha..gonna need one of those masks that fighter pilots wear...with the matching Top Gun-style helmet and visor

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