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Thread: Missing Display Properties Dialog Box!

  1. #1
    Junior Member dado447's Avatar
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    Unhappy Missing Display Properties Dialog Box!

    When I right click on the DeskTop and then click on Properties, nothing, no display properties dialog box!

    So I open control panel, click on the display icon and have the same problem!

    Another Windows XP mystery.

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Welcome to Techzonez.
    A couple of questions.

    Can you remember the last thing you installed/uninstalled before this started happening?

    Have you tried system restore?

    Is it a clean install of XP,or did you upgrade from a previous OS?

    One quick fix that may work,is to re-install your video card drivers.Then reboot.

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  3. #3
    Junior Member dado447's Avatar
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    Reverend, Thank you for the welcome.

    Q: Can you remember the last thing you installed/uninstalled before this started happening?

    A: I Can't Remember.

    Q: Have you tried system restore?

    A: Yes

    Q: Is it a clean install of XP,or did you upgrade from a previous OS?

    A: The XP OS has been working for the past year and a half to two years now.

    Q: One quick fix that may work,is to re-install your video card drivers.Then reboot.

    A: Re-installed video card drivers. Re-booted. Same problem!

  4. #4
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    You may have some corrupted or missing system files.
    Try this,

    Go to Start > Run,and type in sfc /scannow make sure you leave a space between sfc and / . Hit enter.

    During the scan it may ask for the XP CD,so have it on hand before running the command.

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  5. #5
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    if that doesn't work try this.
    Open a Command prompt. (via Start > Accessories> and type this after the flashing cursor ftype exefile and press enter.

    You should see this exefile="%1" %*
    if the asterisk * is missing from the end,download the attached zip file below,and unzip it.Double click the enclosed reg file which will then add the value to the registry.Then reboot.

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  6. #6
    Junior Member dado447's Avatar
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    Ran sfc /scannow - Reported no problems - Re-booted - problem still there.

    Ran command prompt " ftype exefile " and exefile="%1"%* was noted.

  7. #7
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    You could try fixing it by installing/reinstalling SP1

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  8. #8
    Junior Member dado447's Avatar
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    I will re-install SP1.

    I just remembered, I think it was last week when I started having this problem, I got an error saying something like "Run a Dll as an APP" referencing RunDLL32.exe. I don't know if this will shed any light on my problem or not but there it is.

    I know there are different programs I can use to work around my problem, but it will bug me to no end to know that the problem still exsist.

    I suppose the bottom line will be to re-install XP. That will be a big BUMMER for me. Trying to prevent this.

  9. #9
    Hardware guy Super Moderator FastGame's Avatar
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    Just do an XP repair, install SP1 and the win updates and be done

  10. #10
    Junior Member dado447's Avatar
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    Well Folks, I did the XP repair and I still have the problem.

    I went to Gateway and they took control of my computer to see what I was talking about and said "yes you have a problem" and told me to do a System Restore and if that did'nt work do a XP repair and I told them I had accomplished those two things plus all the other things you guys suggested and the tech said "Ok" and that was the end of Tech Support.I'm now in process of checking the vast WindowsXP Data Base of Microsoft. If you do not hear from me again within 48hrs you will know I am lost somewhere in the darkest maze of planet Microsoft (sounds like a line stolen from the game ZORK).

    Oh well my friends, MY QUEST AWAITS ME!
    Last edited by dado447; August 26th, 2003 at 19:21 PM.

  11. #11
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    What you could try is uninstall your vid card from Display Adapters in device manager.

    Then reboot and let XP find the relevant drivers.

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  12. #12
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    Reverend is correct

    You need to force windows to detect and update your display adapter.

    You can try to uninstall the display drivers and force and install of the standard display adapter.

    Next you can go into safe mode and remove any multiple display drivers that may be in the system properties of device manager.

    An old hewlett packard i had lying around had 12 video display drivers installed so it would be easier for the techs to place an upgrade in the model

    You should also enter the bios and try to change the default IRQ or you can enable/disable pallet snop to really force xp to re-install the device.

    It sounds like you have some kinda of conflict.

  13. #13
    Junior Member dado447's Avatar
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    Well folks I am back from the planet Microsoft and they could not help me with my problem other than to reformat disk drive and then reinstall Windows. This is the last thing I wanted to hear or do.

    So this morning, feeling totally devastated, I decided to change my desktop theme. I use Object Desktop's "Window Blinds" to accomplish this task. I COULD NOT GET WINDOW BLINDS to work, so I uninstalled WINDOW BLINDS, reset computer, and did a right click on the desktop, clicked on properties and the Display Properties box came up. I damn near fainted! JOY OF ALL JOYS, my old friend Display Properties is back!!!

    I feel a little embarassed about this problem I presented. I want to thank Reverand and Egghead for their help and I hope this will help someone in the future.

    Last edited by dado447; August 27th, 2003 at 16:57 PM.

  14. #14
    all bets are off... TZ Veteran SupaStar's Avatar
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    Glad you got that sorted.

    Doesn't lynchknot use Windows Blinds? And if so, hasn't it caused him problems? Lynch?

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy Run a DLL as an APP

    I'm having the same problem here! I do not think I have windows blinds installed, however, how can I check. I've reinstalled XP, it was a clean install. Still doesn't work. Please give me all the suggestions you can. Thanks, in advance for all the help~!

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