
I'm running XP.

This program is downloadable from find.pcworld.com/38165. When I go there it warns me I must uninstall all previous Powertoy programs. So I do that. Then I download the .exe.

Then I install it. It appears to be a normal install. But it's not in the program files, nor is it in the systray, nor does it have a desktop icon. Fine--I did not expect it to be in any of these locations. Nor is there a shortcut in any start up folder. So I do a search. All that comes up with is the exe program I downloaded, which does me no good whatsoever.

I uninstall it (it has its own uninstall deal and does not appear in Add & Remove.) By the way when I am installing it it tells me it will take up 0 bytes on my HD...why would that be?

So I reboot and redownload and try again--same result in all details.

OK. So I again delete and check the registry. I enter "'virtual desktop manager" without the quotes in the registry searchbox. All it finds is:

Name Type Data

ab 001 REG-SC desktop manager

So can someone help me out with what I can do to get the program working and perhaps answer the followng:

1. Why does the program not take up space on my HD?
2. What does ab stand for or mean?
3. What does REG_SC stand for or mean?
