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Thread: XP is booting up, started requiring the disk?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2002

    XP is booting up, started requiring the disk?

    Hello New user here,
    I installed XP on a new computer. First time I installed an OS. After installing with a friend I was able to boot up fine. Recently I tried to make a boot disk and a system disk. When I later booted up XP now gives me an error saying it does not detect a boot disk and I can only boot up when I put the XP disk in. Has anyone else run into this problem. I am using XP professional upgrade.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    First and foremost,
    Check all of your hardware, make sure everything is connected properly.

    I've never actually heard of this particular problem before...
    But might I suggest you try a few things.
    Use the system restore feature to see if you can get XP back in shape.
    Second try a command based approach
    click on start
    click on the run tab
    the RUN dialog will open up:
    now where you see open:_________________ type

    Make sure you have your XP CD handy as this will attempt to repair any system files that are damaged that might be causing this behavior.

    Third, try inserting your XP cd, then restarting your PC.
    On the boot make sure to PRESS ANY KEY to BOOT FROM THE CD.
    Now choose to REPAIR THIS XP installtion
    give that a go...

    If none of the above work, post again and we shall try to help you further.

  3. #3
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    One other thing to check.
    Go into your bios,look under "cmos setup"and make sure first boot device is set to "floppy".

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  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Works now - figured out the problem

    Hello BB and Reverend,
    Reverend's suggestion made me look at the cmos again. I found why it wasn't working. On the choices of boot device ide 1 was the choice after floppy drive. My motherboard manual has ide 1 and ide 2 labeled. When I went into cmos and started looking around I saw that there was an ide 0 choice. To make a long story short my motherboard manual calls them ide 1 and ide 2, but the cmos considered them to be ide 0 and ide 1. In CMOS Ide 1 was set as cd rom (ide 2 on the motherboard actually) so it skipped my hard drive which was actually on ide 0 (ide 1 for the motherboard manual).

    Alls well that ends well, thnx for the help.


  5. #5
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    good to see you got it to work!
    Way to go. I have just added the BIOS check and CMOS check in my things to do when you system doesnt boot...

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