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Thread: Getting at MSN mail from Outlook Express - [FIXED]

  1. #1
    Bronze Member
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    Getting at MSN mail from Outlook Express - [FIXED]

    A friend of mine recently had his system rebuilt from scratch (not by me). He was originally on Windows 98 and moved to Windows ME. He has an MSN email account (eg. [email protected]) and was using Outlook Expresss to access this, I believe via POP3.

    On the new system we are totally unable to access email from OE (version 6), either using POP3 or by using HTML. we've done everything in help documents/knowledge base articles but all to no avail.

    Pop3 gets stuck on the server login authentication screen and says...

    Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. Account: 'Hotmail (1)', Server:
    '', Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: 'Service Unavailable', Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCCF0

    Access online via HOTMAIL is OK.

    The following Knowledge base articles have been consulted (plus many
    others): 173952, 179950, 297790, 220852, 173439.

    Mail servers used were and

    MSN support have replied rather unhelpfully with...

    "The MSN account in question is currently in an expired status. Generally, this occurs due to different reasons that cannot be conveyed through online methods."

    and have said on the phone that this service has not been available for 4 years now however...

    Mail can be sent to the account and accessed online and anyway it was all working fine just a month ago.

    Can anyone shed any light on this matter?

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Don't know if you have already tried this Ken.(you need to have OE version 5.5 or later)

    To set up your Hotmail account in Outlook Express

    In Outlook Express, click Accounts on the Tools menu.

    In the Internet Accounts dialog box, click Add, and then click Mail.

    Use the following information to complete the Internet Connection Wizard:

    Type in your name in the Display Name box.Click next.

    On the Internet E-mail Address page,type in your hotmail/msn address.Click next.

    On the E-mail Servers Name page select HTTP from the "My Incoming mail server is" drop down menu,and select either MSN or HOTMAIL from the "My HTTP mail service provider is" drop down menu.Click Next.

    Follow the remaining instructions to finish the wizard.

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  3. #3
    Bronze Member
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    Derbyshire, England
    Yep, been down that route but thanks anyway.

    We're just trying to get back to the state we were in a month ago where Outlook Express (now version 6) was able to get the mail

  4. #4
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    I'm wondering if they have a problem with their mail servers.
    I just tried my Hotmail account via OE and it won't connect.Just hangs on the connection.

    Anybody else having problems retrieving their Hotmail via OE

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  5. #5
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    Hotmail works fine through OE for me
    Last edited by Reverend; January 12th, 2003 at 11:36 AM.

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    The link below has screenshots and is easy to understand in setting up your MSN email account with Outlook Express.

    Have a look:

    make sure you have it configured exactly the same with your correct username and password.

    From that site above:
    The following instructions explain how to configure your Outlook Express to use an alternative Internet connection to download your MSN email. This is to be used by international MSN members from the USA, UK and Japan.
    I don't know if you are loacted in one of those countries or not, but if you are this should work. Make sure you check log on USING SPA (secure password authentication)

    Also, if your email account is expired, you might want to call them back and ask them to reactivate it... even though you can access the account online, perhaps they won't allow POP3 access until it is reactivated, just a thought.

    Keep us updated on your progress.
    Last edited by Big Booger; February 3rd, 2003 at 23:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    try to configure the account with this server in http:

    this server is http like hotmail server, but this is for msn mail.-

  8. #8
    Junior Member Anastasis's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Zetha
    try to configure the account with this server in http:

    this server is http like hotmail server, but this is for msn mail.-
    Excellent! Thanks for this. This has fixed my problem and I can now download my MSN mail into my Outlook Express.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    This trick works quite well in XP, also!

    Windows XP users can also take advantage of this..... Just one thing I don't quite understand - I thought Microsoft and Hotmail and MSN were a threesome... Does this mean a divorce is coming up???? Hotmail oughtta post this stuff!!!

    Typical MicroS**T!!!

  10. #10
    Triple Platinum Member Thor's Avatar
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    Re: This trick works quite well in XP, also!

    Originally posted by exscuse
    Windows XP users can also take advantage of this..... Just one thing I don't quite understand - I thought Microsoft and Hotmail and MSN were a threesome... Does this mean a divorce is coming up???? Hotmail oughtta post this stuff!!!

    Typical MicroS**T!!!
    They are but not when it comes to mail!

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    getting hotmail by OE6

    I got the same problem that OE did not loaded down the email. This happended because I had more then one email accounts. I errased all the accounts exept the hotmail. Then OE was able to load down the files. After that I entered the other accounts again and it worked.
    You can also make a new identity. Go to Files and then to Identity and make e new one. Enter your hotmail account and then klick on the account in the folders on the left and OE will load down. If you want to transfer the email: first copy the mails in explorer to a new directory and the import in OE from that new directory. Under options> maintance>store folders you can define the folder you want to store the emails.

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    Hi Guys....newbie here but have a similar problem....When I was running Win XP I could access 2 x hotmail + 2 x msn mail via Outlook Express no probs...was easy as pie to set up as I just clicked "http server" then chose hotmail or msn as required.

    ...I've now gone back to Win ME (for a variety of reasons) and I only get the choice to click Hotmail http accounts, not msn..

    Please help / Advise!

    ps...very impressed with the whole Technonez Community (what I've seen so far!)

  13. #13
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Welcome to Techzonez.

    Have you upgraded to IE 6.0 SP1 since going back to ME?
    If you upgrade to the SP1,the MSN option should be available again.

    You can download it from here

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  14. #14
    Junior Member
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    Thanks Reverend...

    ...I was pretty sure I'd already done that...but I just downloaded and installed it again (Broadband)...restarted....same MSN option,

  15. #15
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    OK,you can try this.

    Select HTTP and Other,and then paste the msnmail server link,(below),into the blank box.

    link fixed.
    Last edited by Reverend; August 7th, 2003 at 14:23 PM.

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