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Thread: new hsf - high temps still

  1. #1
    Titanium Member
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    new hsf - high temps still

    Hi, I installed a Volcano Xaser edition (only one they had) onto my cpu and i'm still getting temps of 50c posting this. The room temp is 80F and the case temp is around 90F. Did I do something wrong? I used Arctic silver.
    Last edited by lynchknot; June 25th, 2003 at 22:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    hey lynch did you just put alittle dab of it..cause like I said if you put too much grease will actually get the opposite result. I also think this could be a case temp to high resulting in cpu high temps this is what I went thru and got my case temps down and the cpu followed suit

  3. #3
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    How to Apply Arctic Silver to an Athlon, Athlon XP, and Duron Processor.

    This video teaches you how to apply Arctic Silver to your Socket A processor so you can get maximum heat transfer.

    right click "save target as"

    Divx Format (3.61MB) | Windows Media Video (3.33MB)


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  4. #4
    Titanium Member
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    blk helo target, WA
    ok thanks Rev - spread it out with credit card - just started it up and it's at 46c - i'll see if it climbs anymore - fan is maxed out (damn it's loud!)

  5. #5
    Titanium Member
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    blk helo target, WA
    damn, no change - it's at 51c

  6. #6
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    then this is most likely an airflow issue in the many fans are there, where are they, and which directions are they blowing good tip to know which way is to put a piece of paper next to the fan and if it blows it away then duh and if it sucks it in then again duh.

    oh yeah what direction is the cpu fan blowing? you want it blowing towards the mobo.

  7. #7
    Titanium Member
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    temps are higher than with the stock heatsink. I have the ps fan on top - under that is a case fan blowing out - the cpu fan is blowing in
    There are vents along the bottom of the cover to let air in but it's 51c with or without the cover

  8. #8
    Titanium Member
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    blk helo target, WA
    its 55c now -

  9. #9
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    I would get a high rpm intake in the front and another on the side blowing in on the cpu and vid. also could put an exhaust on top blowing out. like I said with case off will keep it at the room temp. if I take my case off it raises the temp about 4-5 degrees. with the case on you create a vacum which will cause the airflow go in the direction of the fans. Also if you have zip ties you can tie up your ide cables so they are like the round ones to create better air flow. I did this but instead of tape used zipties and I didnt use a razorblade just squeezed them together some more ideas
    Last edited by phishhead; June 26th, 2003 at 02:05 AM.

  10. #10
    Titanium Member efc's Avatar
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    I put this info in a post on overclocking a couple days ago. It comes from MaximumPC magazine and may be of help.

    "Also mentioned is a technique for improving cooling. Most heatsinks lack a smooth finish on the base side of the cooler. They suggest using 800 grit moving to 1600 grit polishing paper attached to a glass surface. Use the polishing block in a figure 8 motion to evenly sand the heat sink. A mirror like finish will improve cooling efficiency."
    Linux Mint Debian Edition

  11. #11
    Titanium Member
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    Without changing a thing, I don't see how it can be worse than the standard heatsink that was in there (not polished) - but it is.......

    edit* there is only one degree difference between fan on full (noisy) and fan half way.

    I removed the 2 bay plates and stuck a fan in there - it is now 49c.
    Last edited by lynchknot; June 26th, 2003 at 02:28 AM.

  12. #12
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    maybe you put too much grease on the cpu

  13. #13
    Titanium Member
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    i followed the video instructions. I spread it out with a card.

  14. #14
    Hardware guy Super Moderator FastGame's Avatar
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    First of all the thermo paste needs a bit of time to set, also as phish stated....if the temp is cooler with the case cover off then you don't have the air flow correct.

    I don't know much about your MB but some have the AGP port located closer to the CPU socket than other MB's and the heat from the GFX card could be going into the HSF, or the HSF is taller than the stock HSF which places it directly above the GFX core and the heat from that is getting to the HSF....could be many things ? One way to test for this is to check temp with the cover off, PC setting upright, then lay the PC down on it's side and check temp.

    Did you lap the heatsink or did you say man thats so shinny it must be good ?

  15. #15
    Triple Platinum Member Thor's Avatar
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    You may have to lap the cooler as suggested but also look at the videos to make sure your system is balaced on air flow. An imbalance will cause a 'dead spot/s creating or leaving more heat.

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