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Thread: Adobe Flash won’t work on IE8

  1. #1
    Bronze Member
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    Adobe Flash won’t work on IE8

    I’ve tried a variety of fixes, including installing, uninstalling, updating, changing settings, options (Active X0. I’ve followed all the instructions from the Adobe site as to how to fix this problem (except one where they ask to change the registry settings, change the registry cause Flash won’t work on IE8???).

    Anyway, is there a fix for this? I am using the latest Adobe Flash available from their site.

    The problem is that although I have flash installed, whenever I go to a site that uses flash I get told to install it, you tube for example, won’t play videos unless I have flash although I already do.

    If there is a quick fix to this great, if not I’ll just switch browsers.
    I'm running XP media edition.


    BTW, I had to use firefox to post because IE8 can't throwing me back into the login screen (another flash issue??)
    Last edited by Halder; April 17th, 2010 at 22:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Open IE8. Go to Tools > Internet options. On the Advanced tab click the Reset button.

    If that doesn't work have you tried the official Flash Player uninstaller.

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  3. #3
    Bronze Member
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    Sep 2004

    Thanks but did not work

    I have already tried uninstalling the latest flash player before and reinstalling it with the official adobe uninstaller program which is 203kb i think. However, when I went to the webpage you provided, I got a dialogue box that said;

    Message from Webpage
    Could not retrieve valid progID of class: MSXML2.XSL Template 3.0 (original exception: undefined)

    I don't know what that means but it may help in fixing the problem.

    I have adobe Shockwave Flash object version showing up on my Add On dialogue box as enabled.

    Here is the page I go to check if the flashpalyer is working,

    just below the section that describes how to read the gragh, I get the message

    "This Flash movie requires Flash player version 6 or greater.
    Either an older Flash player or no Flash player was detected on your browser."

    I get the same result if I use Firefox, so no matter what browser I use, flash is not being recognized on my system.


  4. #4
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Does Flash show in your add-ons when you are visiting a page that requires it.

    Go to that webpage link you posted in your previous post, then go to:

    Tools > Manage Add-ons > Enable or Disable Add-ons.
    On the drop down menu select 'Add-ons currently loaded in Internet Explorer'.

    Look for Shockwave Flash Object in the enabled pane.

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  5. #5
    Bronze Member
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    Shockwave Flash Object, version is on there and it is enabled. Flash does not seem to work on any page that requires it, youtube, and all sorts of others. It seems to me that either the system is not recognizing flash or something is preventing it from running. I have kaspersky but I don't think that is it. Could it be a video driver?

    I had a major computer crash 2 weeks ago and some techies at best buy reinstalled XP for me, when they did this they installed IE8 which comes with flash with it. When they reinstalled XP could they have disabled something or left something out? The flash player being installed on the system and webpages not recognizing it is pretty universal so I am thinking it's something on my system that is not set right.
    Last edited by Halder; April 19th, 2010 at 02:20 AM.

  6. #6
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Check out the first and third posts in this thread

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  7. #7
    Bronze Member
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    Sep 2004

    Problem Fixed

    I finally figured it out. Thanks for the link to the posts but I found a solution not mentioned in those posts which corrected the problem.

    Adobe Flash Player won't run on IE8
    There was a command string that was telling IE8 to start with add ons disabled even though they appeared enabled. The command string was deleted and IE8 started with all add ons running normally.

    Adobe Flash Player won't run on Firefox
    Java was disabled on Firefox, enabled Java and problem corrected

    Thanks for taking the time to reply to my posts and offer some solutions, I greatly appreciate your efforts. Hopefully, my fixes will help others with similar problems

    Thanks again

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