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Thread: far more than Bruce or David or Julie I am sure.

  1. #1
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    far more than Bruce or David or Julie I am sure.

    Notice the double spacing between the words in the subject or title line?

    I was typing very very fast in Word the other day (not looking at the keyboard or anything) and spacing between words (and everything else) was normal, normal, normal. But suddenly I happened to notice this double spacing.

    Can someone tell me what key or key combination I might have unintentionally hit that would cause the spacing to double?
    I've created my own website...a collection of moving, sad and happy and humorous poems which I would like to share with others. They come from stories my dad used to tell me when I was a kid. If you could glance at my site and if you know of others who might enjoy it and perhaps tell them of it, I would be most appreciative. Thank you. The address is

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Can't see any double spacing in your post.

    Check your font formatting in word:

    Format > Font. On the Character Spacing tab make sure it is set on the default "normal"

    Alternatively you may just have a sticky spacebar. Try another keyboard if possible.

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  3. #3
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    There wasn't any double spacing in the post--only in the title of the post...I'd pasted that in as an actual example. The default is currently at 'normal' re the character spacing tab and must have been so for at least a month. Don't think it was the spacebar sticking for the same reason.

    It isn't a critical problem obviously but it is weird and it makes me curious.

  4. #4
    Silver Member joshsiao's Avatar
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    It is really double spacing as in different 2 spaces or the just size of 2 spaces?
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  5. #5
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    Josh, I'm not understanding the difference between "2 spaces" and "just size". Or what "just size" itself is. Could you enlighten me?


  6. #6
    Silver Member joshsiao's Avatar
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    Size meaning that it looks like 2 spaces but it really one spacing technically. Or should I say the width of the space is worth 2 internationally standard spacings.
    "Never seem more learnt then the people you are with. Wear your learning like a watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked."

  7. #7
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    maybe you have somehow messed up your spacing width and it somehow doubled.

    a good test is to move the cursor over the type with the arrow key in a document to see if you have 2 spaces or 1 space the size of 2.

  8. #8
    Bronze Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by egghead
    a good test is to move the cursor over the type with the arrow key in a document to see if you have 2 spaces or 1 space the size of 2.

    I think that's what joshsiao was trying to get at.

    It looks like your example has just one space though....

  9. #9
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    As I look back at my original post here I'd swear there IS only 1 space between my subject words. (There sure appeared to be more than 1 space between words when I pasted subject words in the Subject bar.) Which is strange for when I pasted the title in I took the words from the actual text as it appeared on my monitor as I typed.

  10. #10
    Silver Member joshsiao's Avatar
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    Maybe a 2D drawing problem in Word? I had that type once where the spaces were completely uneven but that was on my old computer.
    "Never seem more learnt then the people you are with. Wear your learning like a watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked."

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    Most forum software ignore second spaces between words, so that's why your example may not be showing what you mean.

    Check and see if you have "full justification" turned on. That would spread the words out. Set it back to "left justification". It's in paragraph formatting. You probably also have an icon for it on the toolbar.

  12. #12
    Triple Platinum Member Curio's Avatar
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    Good call could have been CTRL+J - justify paragraph. Browser only render one space even if you put in 20 like I just did

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    There is an HTML code to make an extra space show up:   (non-breaking space), but in most forums, HTML is turned off and Forum Code is turned on, and Forum Code does not usually have this feature.

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