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Thread: Can't access Outlook Express

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Can't access Outlook Express

    I have a new computer. I loaded without a problem. I set up my email account without a problem. When I when in to switch identities to my associate member, I changed the identity name and then clicked to change to the new identity. I thought I would receive a screen asking me to set up the associate's account. Instead, the computer just searches for the new identity. Now, I'm unable to use email either for myself or my associate. What do I do? I failed to complete My associate's email settings. I can't open Outlook express.

  2. #2
    Security Intelligence TZ Veteran cash_site's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Software Paradise
    Does the come with a help manual or file etc? Someone might know the program you are using to give a better insight... if all else fails, you could try simply reinstalling the software, and go through the process again, perhaps you missed a setting checkbox or something that allows you to have multiple identities... ?

    --- 0wN3D by 3gG ---

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