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Thread: To overclock or not?

  1. #46
    Platinum+ Member bhxtyrant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate89
    i just ordered it today cant wait till it gets here the one i have now is shit i took off the sidepanel drilled a few holes cut a whole in the top and mounted a hard drive on top of it lol dunno y but tya its in pretty bad the case for like 40 bucks off ebay go figue
    Lol yeah i did the same at first i bought an antec mid tower case which is very nice for around $100 then when i built my second system i got a case called the

    This case is almost identical to it except on mine the power/reset buttons are a little larger more of an oval shape,and the usb ports/speaker jacks are hidden with a magnetic door.
    "super designer x-window" its a decent case i paid like $70 for but i dont really like it and neither have enough airflow to do any serious Overclocking to without major upgrade to the case which i have no expierience in.So i think the aspire case is a nice way around the modding problem.This will be my first overclocking project should be fun.


    Ive been on the hunt for AMD Mobile athlon xp 2600+'s with no luck however i have seen the AMD mobile athlon xp 2800+'s have any expierience with them?I actually am watching an XP-M 2600+ on ebay for $70 and a 2800+ for like $60.Still got like 3-4 days left on bidding so im trying to get a last mintute bid in lol.A local PC store i called said the XP-M 2600+ were like $140 which doesnt sound right since ive seen them average $70-96 on the net.
    Last edited by bhxtyrant; February 3rd, 2005 at 05:22 AM.

  2. #47
    Silver Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
    \Ive been on the hunt for AMD Mobile athlon xp 2600+'s with no luck however i have seen the AMD mobile athlon xp 2800+'s have any expierience with them?I actually am watching an XP-M 2600+ on ebay for $70 and a 2800+ for like $60.Still got like 3-4 days left on bidding so im trying to get a last mintute bid in lol.A local PC store i called said the XP-M 2600+ were like $140 which doesnt sound right since ive seen them average $70-96 on the net.

    here u go bhxtyrant mobile 2600 ull need to grab a cpu fan though since this is oem it doesnt come with one

  3. #48
    Platinum+ Member bhxtyrant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate89
    here u go bhxtyrant mobile 2600 ull need to grab a cpu fan though since this is oem it doesnt come with one
    Ah yes i know about i just prefer to go to a local shop to grab one if possible.I only like ordering online as last resort

  4. #49
    Silver Member
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    o ok but i still suggest newegg over ebay thats where i and many others get all their parts from its a great store and ive ordered countless parts from then and nothing has been wrong never had to rma or anything but i heard that was a breeze too

    Quote Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
    Ive been on the hunt for AMD Mobile athlon xp 2600+'s with no luck however i have seen the AMD mobile athlon xp 2800+'s have any expierience with them?I actually am watching an XP-M 2600+ on ebay for $70 and a 2800+ for like $60.Still got like 3-4 days left on bidding so im trying to get a last mintute bid in lol.A local PC store i called said the XP-M 2600+ were like $140 which doesnt sound right since ive seen them average $70-96 on the net.

    Quote Originally Posted by bhxtyrant
    Ah yes i know about i just prefer to go to a local shop to grab one if possible.I only like ordering online as last resort.
    id say use ebay as a last resort order from newegg first not off ebay because newegg u can return if it doesnt work or if they send u the wrong product

  5. #50
    Platinum+ Member bhxtyrant's Avatar
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    Indeed thats why i dont really like ebay.To tell the truth i hate ordering online period im the type of person that likes to see exactly what he's getting and not wait for 3 or so days for it to be shipped im not patient when it comes to waiting on things to arrive.

    Eh but i'll probally end up ordering both the XP-M 2600+ and the ASPIRE case both off newegg.It seems impossible to get either especially the case anywhere in my area.

    Thanks for all the help and info by the way i have a feeling will be my new best freind they have any and everything.
    Last edited by bhxtyrant; February 3rd, 2005 at 05:49 AM.

  6. #51
    Silver Member
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    ya no prb dude lol looked for a case for myself ended up helpin another guy find the case and ya ur makin a good decision with newegg best site out there by far besides tigerdirect but they are a but more expensive and newegg will get ur order to u quite quickly im always tryin to help ppl and this time i did it without even tryin who woulda thought
    Last edited by Nate89; February 3rd, 2005 at 05:55 AM.

  7. #52
    British Stud Muffin TZ Veteran GimieGimieGimie's Avatar
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    I personally order everything pc related online, because you get the cheapest prices, and i can't find f**k all in the amature pc shops around here that are just here for a quick buck and don't know what they are f**king on about

    The experts are the geeks online!
    Last edited by GimieGimieGimie; February 4th, 2005 at 16:57 PM.

  8. #53
    Triple Platinum Member Curio's Avatar
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  9. #54
    Member santino's Avatar
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    juuuust a bit outside...
    gimie's got the right idea. online's the way to buy, you just gotta know where to look... i copy and pasted the below from another thread i posted...

    has anyone suggested going to first to check out prices and vendors? i do just about all of my online buying there. i check out the vendor reviews, which are supposed to have been submitted by actual buyers, after i find the right price, and have not gotten burnt once. you can check on vendor info, product info, and possibly some product reviews, again, by the buyers. you can search using the filters to narrow down to exactly the product you want or leave the search wide open. you can also sort by popularity, lowest price, even insert your zip code and search for lowest price with the combined total of the product price, tax, and shipping charge. ~s

    we need places like pricegrabber to help us make the most informed decisions. i do agree that newegg is a great place to buy but that there are other places, well-respected places, that one can get comparible prices from. pricegrabber gives them to you. ~s

    Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it.
    - Chinese Proverb
    Last edited by santino; March 2nd, 2005 at 20:20 PM.

  10. #55
    British Stud Muffin TZ Veteran GimieGimieGimie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by santino
    gimie's got the right idea. online's the way to buy, you just gotta know where to look... i copy and pasted the below from another thread i posted...
    I buy everything PC hardware related from and

    And before i decide to buy from those stores, i check out price runner and kelkoo for the best prices around too.

    I've never had such good service in my life, ebuyer has the most amazing prices/range of products, i mean, where else in the UK can you buy a 128mb ATI RADEON 9200SE PCI graphics card for only £31?

    I use to buy my products from a local computer fair, never ever bought from the shops, and now with these big online stores, i get the same cheap prices, delivered straight to my door

  11. #56
    The Beast Master TZ Veteran PIPER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GimieGimieGimie
    I use to buy my products from a local computer fair, never ever bought from the shops, and now with these big online stores, i get the same cheap prices, delivered straight to my door
    I agree Gimie....prices are good and who could ask for more as far as convenience goes...the only issue there is package safety if your not at home when the delivery is made.

  12. #57
    Security Intelligence TZ Veteran cash_site's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PIPER
    I agree Gimie....prices are good and who could ask for more as far as convenience goes...the only issue there is package safety if your not at home when the delivery is made.
    Hehe.. good point... Hey Gimmie, what hours do you work, and when will you be ording that 9200SE ??

    --- 0wN3D by 3gG ---

  13. #58
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    Just get it shipped to work, or to mom's house. If you cannot, just have it shipped to my work. I will take care of it

  14. #59
    British Stud Muffin TZ Veteran GimieGimieGimie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cash_site
    Hehe.. good point... Hey Gimmie, what hours do you work, and when will you be ording that 9200SE ??
    That's the only downside about home delivery, you have to actually be in doors at the time!

    Fortunately, if you build up a trust between some companies they will deliver to your work place

    My work hours at the standard 9-5, so i get the items delivered to my workd

    I've already ordered and recieved a ATI RADEON 9200SE PCI, the card is pretty fast for an PCI

    Plays Unreal II like a dream, i never thought i'd see that from a PCI!

  15. #60
    Junior Member
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    oc xp 2400 help please!

    Hi Phishhead, you seem to be pretty clued up on this particular mobo.
    I was wondering if you could help me oc mine as I have the same setup or very close to it as 'bhxtyrant' has and that thread was never finished properly.

    I can set a lower multiplyer than 15 so I guess my xp2400 is unlocked. And I tried a 200 fbs and 10x but pc wouldn't boot. I have had the cpu running at 15x 140fbs but I realise I should strive to get the fbs in synce with the memory.
    Here are my spec and a photo Of my current bios settings.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    AMD 2400+
    Asus A7N8X DLX ACPI BIOS Rev 1008
    Creative Inspire 6.1 6600 speaker
    Leadtek NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB
    Creative Audigy 2 value sound card
    Leadtek TV2000 XP Deluxe TV Tuner
    1024MB PC3200 DDR Hynix
    80GB HDD Western Digital
    80GB Seagate (non raid setup)
    200GB sata
    Asus5224A 52x24x52x CD/RW 1.35
    Nec 3500A DL DVD
    OS: XP Pro SP1

    AMD Thoroughbred XP 2400+ chip numbers:

    Athlon XP Processor High-end
    Core Thoroughbred-B
    CPU Model 8
    Manufacturing Process 130 nm
    Approximate Transistor Count 37.6 million
    Approximate Die Size 84 sq. mm
    Performance Rating 2400+
    Working frequency 2000 MHz
    Package Type OPGA
    Operating Voltage 1.65 V
    Max Die Temperature 85° C
    L1 Cache Size 128 KB
    L2 Cache Size 256 KB
    Multiplier 15x
    FSB Frequency 266 MHz
    Stepping Code AIUHB
    Manufacture Year 2003
    Manufacture Week 01
    Production Batch M
    Batch Production Number 1917

    PSU Specs:
    Model: HPC-360-302 DF
    Max Load 360W

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