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Thread: Dhcp Causing Startup Hang

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2005

    Question Dhcp Causing Startup Hang

    When my computer starts, XP boots to the desktop and begins loading system tray apps. It then hangs for about a minute and a half, during which I cannot make my dsl connection or open any apps. After the hang time everything seems to work normally. It appears to be an IP addressing issue. Hang doesn't occur with dsl modem disconnected.
    Connecting with ethernet DSL modem and built in NIC, XP PRO.

    I get the following errors in my event log:

    Warning from Dhcp
    Your computer has automatically configured the IP address for the Network Card with network address 00508DE71FF9. The IP address being used is

    Error from DCOM
    DCOM got error "The service database is locked. " attempting to start the service netman with arguments "" in order to run the server:

    Error from DCOM
    DCOM got error "The service database is locked. " attempting to start the service EventSystem with arguments "" in order to run the server:

    Can't seem to get rid of the hang time, Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    welcome to techzonez,

    Might be a driver problem so while you wait for an answer i suggest that you read this thread and follow the stps to see if you have any spyware that is tunneling your internet connection.

    might be good idea to clean the system to eliminate the this possibilty

  3. #3
    Triple Platinum Member Curio's Avatar
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    Nov 2004
    169.254-- is the APIPA range auto configured by the OS, your DHCP server is either not working correctly, unobtainable or misconfigured. What lease range should your DHCP server be serving?

  4. #4
    Triple Platinum Member Curio's Avatar
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    Nov 2004
    oops! My bad.
    Sorry didn't read your post properly, dsl modem well in that case you most likely have a TCPIP problem - usually caused by ad/spyware. You should follow eggheads advice and possibly you may need some other tools like winsockxpfix, but cross that bridge when you reach it.

  5. #5
    Techzonez Governor Super Moderator Conan's Avatar
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    If you're not on a network try this:

    Tweak your Network Card- If you have a network interface card and are using TCP/IP (for DSL WinPoet or whatever ) there is a 30-60 second delay at boot- up while the card finds its IP address. Give your card a permanent dummy IP address and remove this delay. (See last month for a discussion of IP addresses If you have a local area network or a DSL connection this may already be assigned so check this out first. Go to Control Panel|Network. Find the TCP/IP setting for your Ethernet card. (Fig. 1) Click on Properties. (Fig. 2) Change the setting from “Obtain IP address automatically” to “Specify an IP address.” In the IP Address enter a dummy address from one of the blocks reserved for private addresses like (the 192.168.x.x block is specifically reserved for local use) or from another reserved series 10.x.x.x (Verizon DSL uses Check your own DSL service or your LAN setup information for an appropriate dummy address. It shouldn’t matter but I never make assumptions about such things. In the Subnet Mask enter The technically minded can read about address allocation for private networks at

  6. #6
    Old and Cranky Super Moderator rik's Avatar
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    Or just throw in a cheap router.

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