Hello guys,i need some opinions and suggestions.Well first off let me explain what i am trying to do.I currently run a fan site dedicated to the video game series Resident Evil which can be found at www.bio-hq.com

Up until now i have always made every page manually so whenever i want to add new content or edit content i have to manually edit then upload the new file which needless to say is a pain.

I want to ask all of you if you know a good simple content managment system preferribly php based that will allow me to enter content,create content templates,ect and add them into a blank page via php includes or server side include via an online control panel.This way all of my staff can edit content as needed and make life alot easier.I was looking over PHPnuke but that doesnt seem to fit my needs.I dont need to have anything like the ability to let all site viewers register ect.I just need one mainly for content managment.Thanks for your time and i hope someone can help me out.