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Thread: Problems with links in FireFox

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2006

    Exclamation Problems with links in FireFox

    I am currently having a problem with my webpage in mozilla firefox. For some unknown reason, the first three links on my main menu to the left are not active (clickable), as well as the first two links under hot topics on the right. Does anyone have an inkling as to why this is happening?


  2. #2
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    DE - USA
    There is no ref in the first link so it should not work in another browser. I can test in IE because it doesn't work well in my PC.......
    (Update) well, I risked it and tried it in IE. I will have to restart the PC after this
    In IE 7 it doesn't display well either. I see Home Page twice, and the second link has extra space from the rest. So I would not just categorize it as a problem with Firefox. I wil try at home where I have IE 6. The problem might be on the server side. You might have problem with the Include and some of the css might not download correctly. Do you know if the server runs apache or IIS?
    I suggest that you quicly write another page with a demo link menu, and test that one and see what happens. Then if you have a demo page, and care to attach the files, I could try it in Apache and IIS and see if I can notice difference in the serving of the pages.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Dehcbad25 View Post
    I see Home Page twice, and the second link has extra space from the rest.
    Home page is displayed twice because i was attempting to retype the link hopeing it would work. my issue is that if you go to the site now, you will see (hopefully so you know what i am talking about) the first three links on the left handside menu (Homepage, Out Development Services, and P&E Request) are not clickable but the rest are. Same thing occurs with the menu on the right under "hottopics" (the offical blog and self service launch) are not clickable.

  4. #4
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    Yes, I did see that. The home page was the only evident one that had a reason. The other I am focusing on a problem with Fusion or the include command. Include has to be compiled in Apache. You could try to use the whole address instead of a relative to see if it makes a change. For example
     instead of "../includes/cssmenus/js-common/base.js"
    This might not be possible if the include folder is out, but that is why I was suggesting to write a quick and dirty test page. You could also move temporaly the include to the public area and change the code.
    Also, just a quick tip, in the contact us, you have the mailto:[email protected]. This will get picked up by spiders on the web. It is better to work with a contact page, where there is a form, otherwise you wil receive a lot of spam (personal experience from my first page).
    I retested in IE and now it looks ok.
    I have to check at home. I had a program that could download dependencies files from pages, but I haven't re-installed it since I re-installed XP about 9 months ago (I haven't done web code for a while too), but I will see if I can get a copy of the site and work from another web server to see if it really might be the web server that you are using.

  5. #5
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    As a temporary fix use the full urls for the links in the menus:

    Instead of

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