He didn't get penis...
He didn't get Gold, Darth is stupid....
Originally Posted by Big Booger
He did get "gland".
He got Dog,but it took awhile.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Peel the Farm Cuke....lmao....he did not get my truck....wah ha ha...Cuke skywalker strikes a major blow to the Dark Side......Darth Tater is a french fry.
My first object was crypt and he didn't get it.
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.~ Groucho
I tried capybara. That certainly stumped him
Pretty good, only took 25 questions to get Tank...
Anyone try DeathStar ??
--- 0wN3D by 3gG ---