Ive come up against a problem that I cant see covered on other threads although there was one that seemed to be the same problem but was not fully solved
I have a Win2000 advanced server with Terminal server which has people logging in from outside the network. I suddenly heard clicking sound on my hard drive and decided I was going to replace it before it was too late (after cooling down it worked for 2 hours and then the same thing happened).
I could have done a fresh install of the server but this would have taken various days at my current work load to get every thing back to normal, with many other people inoperative in the mean time.
So I went for the maxtor disk wizard option (Both drives old and new are Maxtors) to image copy the entire partition from the old 40Gb to the New 80Gb. which worked fine and everything seemed OK.
Then I disconected the old drive ( which was by then a slave) and booted the server, and then I found that on loging in with any user or administrator the system redisplays the CTR-ALT-DEL screen again inmediately and goes no further.
I reconnected the old fualty drive as slave, and to my suprise I can now login. I obviously have a time limit to how long the old drive will hold out, so sooner or later I will need the problem solving.
Does the old drive hold a licensing issue ? or what else could it be ?
Any sugestions welcome
Regards Binki