Thats real easy
I'll reveal my answer on October 31st @11:59 PM
Image number 1 is not fake because only humans are stupid enough to build a city next to a giant tidal wave
Last edited by tarun; October 19th, 2005 at 15:51 PM.
1 is a fake. FG showed us that one some time back. Don't see what's so unreal about image #2.
My answer is 2...
picture #1 is so fake - dead givaway, look at the bottom middle lane cars and count 4 cars up.
The car is a bad drag and paste lol.
not sure what's up with picture #2 but in the tunnel you can see some kind of smudging
#3 looks amazing and the only one that must be real. It looks possibly photoshopped but not really and the boat is in trouble as it is heading into a wall of rain. My vote is #3
is this a real question with an answer ?
3 is real
There's some quality loss in #2 - a smudge on the girl's back, but this could just be jpeg loss. There is so much detail in #2 - debis on the water, foliage meeting the water's edge etc that it seems too much work to fake.
#3 just looks bizarre, so I vote for #2. But probably this is too obvious - is this an honest quiz Denyse or are you trying to trick us?
only two are right so far, and of coarse I'm
Originally Posted by FastGame
I'am for 3, being real.
Honest to goodness quiz with a solution. I am sure many will get it, there are a lot of smart people on the board.Originally Posted by d000hg
I LEECHED this from a Photography board.... and NO I did NOT get it right myself.
I'll say #2,because #3 looks like a combination of a dust storm and much too low black clouds.The distant contrast between the land and ocean looks like it doesn't match up .
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I think all three are fake
1-) the road curves to the right. but there is a road in front of the 'red building in the back left' that is perpendicular, the roads don't appear to connect in the photo.
2-) the the tunnel is all wrong....magnify it and you'll see it. the closest end of the tunnel dimensions dont match the exiting tunnel dimensions.
3-) a little harder. but if you magnify again, to the left of the pole where between the clouds and the water, the sky is too blurred. also, there is a clear demarcation line next to the pole.