For a few days now, Microsoft had released to the public the beta2 version of Office 12 (Office 2007). Is somehow strange (for Microsoft) that the beta2 version can be downloaded from their site free of charge (not quite, since this version will expire on 01-Feb-2007) !
They say than when the beta2 version was available for download, more than 25 milion downloads had been counted. Nice.
The new version is able to save your files using the new xml format and in all previsious versions of office (yeah... backward compatibility) and even (this is really weird) in PDF format.
If you wonder what you will do when you want to use the documents saved in xml format into Office 2003, Microsoft has the answer for you. Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. Yet again, M$ has all the answers
This is a very surprising move from Microsoft, since users can use the beta2 version (I suppose than all annoying bugs had been fixed), for 7-8 months for free. What's for Microsoft here ? A lot. Just think on the number of users who will use the software. They get testers, feedback and, who knows, maybe potential buyers.
Use the link above to download your free copies, complete with One Note, Groove, Share point services, Publisher, Outlook and so on. IT really works. I am downloading at 11MB/sec now!