I for one, have been my part by uploading all sorts of pics for the Huge Naked Stars List. Check them out!
I for one, have been my part by uploading all sorts of pics for the Huge Naked Stars List. Check them out!
Many thanks to egghead for the cool .sig
Mr Big Booger is an interesting, intelligent, creative, thought provoking, Caring individual who is a proud pioneer member of Techzonez.com and I feel he just wants a little time with the family and loving wife to escape the daily grime of the internet and all it has to teach all of us,
I have admired Big Booger for the past five years that we have known each other and I will continue to hope he is doing well and I truly believe that he is coming back in a new operating system form without the bugs that is troubling all of us and we as people that strive to learn from the web will rejoice at the new technology he has discovered and is anxious to announce here.
Your friends here "boogs", love you and miss you!
Great comments Egg! I'm sure BB is sitting back in his little computer lab testing the hell out of Vista, so he can jump on the Support program
Cheers BB in the OuterNet
--- 0wN3D by 3gG ---
Yup,I miss you already BB.Hope you are doing well.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Be well old friend.
Avatar by Brudda EggHead
Jeff! VERY long time no see! How are ya?
Last night, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I'll never know.
love, piaqt
I'm really confused - how do you leave an internet forum? People are hinting at other threads but I'm confused. Did I miss something?
Noone would dare talk about. If you didn't see it develop, Seek and Ye shall find. DRB
"Will Golf for Food"
Still can't find anything anywhere - which forum and how recent?
Boogs has some personal issues in his life at the moment that he wants to sort out.
I would like to stress, on his behalf, that none of these issues are related to Techzonez. In fact he has told me that he does not rule out a return in the future.
On describing Techzonez he said "I love that place. And I do lurk in dark shadows. It's not a habit easily given up... in fact it's worse that a cocaine addiction".
=========== Please Read The Forum Rules ===========
I agree about the "addiction" Rev! DRB
"Will Golf for Food"
And you do know BB has a big nose
--- 0wN3D by 3gG ---
This is what happens when I am absent too long. I hope hope he comes back someday, mainly now that I am getting my life and calendar back on track and I will have more time to hang around in the forums.
I have myself been in and out a lot. I had a very crazy year, and still every once in a while I would come back. Everytime I have a problem I think...humm someone at TZ could help me out with this.
We will miss you BB and wait patiently for your return
Still no sign of BB (after a quick search since not being online for 5 months)... I would like to wish him a very happy festive season, and that Santa is kind to him and his 100Mbps Fiber connection
I hope its a sake filled holiday for all !
--- 0wN3D by 3gG ---