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Thread: OE 6 Gremlin!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2009

    OE 6 Gremlin!!

    I've been using OE6 for quite a while at work. For the last few months, whenever I receive emails with attachments from one specific co-worker, the attachments are always missing (deleted?). He can send the same email and attachment to multiple people in the office and they will all receive the attachment except for me. I've tried having him send the same email to my hotmail account and I receive it with the attachment intact with no problem. If I then forward it from my Hotmail back to my OE6 email address, the attachment is again deleted.

    It's like OE6 is allergic to any attachments from this particular guy..... I'm not sure where to look or even where the problem lies. I'm thinking that it has to be in my computer somewhere since he can send me the attachment to Hotmail and I receive it with no problem.

    Has anyone ever experienced this? Any help is most appreciated!

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Titanium Member efc's Avatar
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    In OE6 go to the Tools menu, click Options. Then click the Security tab, click to clear the Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened.
    Linux Mint Debian Edition

  3. #3
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Follow the solutions here

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  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    I'll give it a try

    Well, everyone else in our office get's this guy's email attachments with no viruses, so I'll give this a try. Any idea why my computer (and only my computer) seems to think his is infected and can I do anything to change that?

    Thanks again!


  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2009
    it didn't work! I though for sure that it would, but I just hd him send me a test message with an attachment and again the attachment was zapped off.......sigh....any other ideas out there? Thanks

  6. #6
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    Try sending an attachment that is txt, from the other computer. When you receive the email, then check if it only had one attachment or had more.
    It is also possible that the other user is in your blacklist. I haven't use OE6 in possibly 6 years, so I don't remember if it works with white/black listing, but if it does, try adding that user to the white list (allowed senders). This will also be valid for any anti-spam that you use.
    Another thing worth checking is your message rules. From Tools>Message Rules (and here is also the blocked senders list).
    Make sure you don't have any rule moving those emails to delete folder.
    Finally, when the attachment is delete, is it replaced with another file, like a text describing why?

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the suggestion, but there is no black/white listing. I did have a message rule for the sender (to direct his incoming emails to a separate sub folder), but the same problem occurred after I deleted the rule and his messages just went to my Inbox.

    Finally, There isn't substitution of a separate attachment nor any message even telling me that the attachments had been deleted. In fact, I originally thought that he just forgo to attach them!

    I have no idea what else to try.....

  8. #8
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    Did you try with a different identity? Each identity in OE has a separate set of settings. Creating a new identity basically will have the default settings, and most likely will fix your problem.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    If I change identities, will I still have access to all my old emails and address book?

  10. #10
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    DE - USA
    No, it will be like a new setup, however, you can export both the email and the address book into the new identity if the new identity works well.

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