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Thread: XP Keeps Restarting

  1. #1
    British Stud Muffin TZ Veteran GimieGimieGimie's Avatar
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    XP Keeps Restarting

    "Windows must now restart because the Windows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service terminated unexpectedly."

    Since my niece went on my laptop last night, i'm getting this every time i'm on the net, i might have to reinstall windows again.

    Any helps folks?
    Last edited by GimieGimieGimie; August 13th, 2003 at 22:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Gimie you need to install the second update in this post or grab it via windows update.Then reboot

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  3. #3
    Hardware guy Super Moderator FastGame's Avatar
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    Blasters worm farm

  4. #4
    Friendly Neighborhood Super Moderator phishhead's Avatar
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    hey gimmie I suggest you do the updates and lock your pc when your done.

  5. #5
    Hardware Guru TZ Veteran shadow_warez's Avatar
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    im having the exact saame prob, not that iv changed the recovery options to do nothign , this notebook wount play any movies or div becuace it couldnt contact the rpc server,

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  6. #6
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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  7. #7
    British Stud Muffin TZ Veteran GimieGimieGimie's Avatar
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    Thank God for that, what twats Microsoft really are!

    I mean, cmon, if the option to restart the program its self is there, why restart the bloody computer!?

    Idiots, i can't believe the fix was that easy,

    I've downloaded the updates and manually configured the thing, i don't have the MSBlast.exe thankfully

    Thanks a million guys, I can surf the net again!

    I wish i wasn't so out of touch with computers these days, you guys put me to shame
    Last edited by GimieGimieGimie; August 11th, 2003 at 23:27 PM.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    glad to help.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Angry WTF Gimie

    Ok, I'm sorry but I have to say something here that is not meant as a flame, but I feel really needs to be said. If you got the Blaster worm, IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT !!! I'm in no way a proponent of Microsoft in any way shape or form, but the fact of matter is, if you choose to run a windows OS, you MUST stay current with the critical updates! Yes, Windows has more holes in it than a block of swiss cheese, yes, it's buggy as hell and drives all of us crazy at some point or another, but to put the blame all on Microsoft is just lame. That's like buying a Ford, never changing the oil, then *****ing about it breaking down after a while and calling Ford a bunch of twats. You choose to run Windows, so just like oil changes, you need to periodiclly check the critical updates to see if your vulnerable to these kinds of attacks or not. And guess what, you have to do that for any OS. I know of a handful of diffrent exploits on linux and MAC that could cause issues similar to this if not patched. The only reason why you don't see things like this on those OSs is that hardley anyone runs mac or linux, and those who do are usually smart enough to safeguard themselves by patching any known holes. In turn, the other 90% of PC users use windows, the majority of which have no clue what windows update even is, or don't check for critical updates on a regular basis. (Hmmmm, where have I seen this before...)

    There's been a patch for this hole for about 3 weeks or so. If you've seen this update and had any clue how seriouis of an exploit this was, you would have done the critical update. You may say, "I've seen some updates cause problems on my OS, so I just don't load updates anymore." Look, if you've had that issue before, create a restore point befor installing the update of get some imaging software like Norton Ghost to create a good backup, but don't ignore the critical updates. I agree this is a pain in the ass, but it's the reality you must live with as a windows user. If you don't like it, switch to RedHat and then you can ***** and complain about how hard it is to learn and use.

    So learn how to use your computer, go get an oil change, and stop complaining about a problem that was perpetuated by your own ignorance.


  10. #10
    British Stud Muffin TZ Veteran GimieGimieGimie's Avatar
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    That's just too much for late night reading, i'll get back to ya sometime tomorrow.

  11. #11
    Hardware Guru TZ Veteran shadow_warez's Avatar
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    just got in

    i woke up and saw it starting to do it, it bypassed my firewalls guess i need to tighten my security protocalls, i know 5 other ppl who got it and they never use their comps, so its not all our fault,

    A Great Sig Done by a Great Artist,

  12. #12
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Hex,like i said before in another thread,I posted a warning on the front page and the forums back on the 17th July.I even listed the RPC patch as "rated critical".
    Last edited by Reverend; August 12th, 2003 at 22:10 PM.

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  13. #13
    Precision Processor Super Moderator egghead's Avatar
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    i don't update my xp.
    i reley on 3rd party protection and i have not recieved this present yet

    i am running sygate firewall and I have yet to get the virus

    my bro's computer already got it because his kids remove the firewall to play the games. -(with his head)

    I checked the log files and this thing scanned over 60 ip addresses per sec

    i hope that it cannot get through a firewall because this would make me do things i wouldnt normally do.......

    everyone should be happy that this is not destructive to the victim and the new thread is that n saturday it will DoS microsoft.

    who will have a zombie in the house?

  14. #14
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    I know how you feel Hex, but the truth is a lot of users don't update. They don't run firewalls and they don't even have antivirus software, and even if they did have antivirus software, they don't keep the definition updated.

    But this worm has affected thousands of PCs. It is not that hard to fix, and doesn't do that much damage.

    I've had 3 friends and my father-in-law give me a ring about this because they don't even know how to update. Some people just don't understand it, or they don't care. They just use the PC to surf, check email, stocks, etc... They are not PC people.

  15. #15
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    I'm sure you share my frustration, but just don't waste your time like me venting it. Or mabey you've done that before and have come to find it's pointless. You've got to spend a HUGE amount of time not only keeping this site in working order, but trying to help people by telling them of these updates and other things to help them out. It's got to be very frustrating just to have it fall on deaf ears for alot of the people who read it. I find that I'm whinning about people who are whinning, so I'll stop since I guess that's just as bad as what they're doing and it will do as much good as their whinning will. Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings, just take the time to understand why you got infected, and you may just understand where I'm coming from.
    Peace out,

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