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Thread: Windows and its Virtual Desktop Manager (Powertoys) or deskman.exe

  1. #1
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    Windows and its Virtual Desktop Manager (Powertoys) or deskman.exe


    I'm running XP.

    This program is downloadable from When I go there it warns me I must uninstall all previous Powertoy programs. So I do that. Then I download the .exe.

    Then I install it. It appears to be a normal install. But it's not in the program files, nor is it in the systray, nor does it have a desktop icon. Fine--I did not expect it to be in any of these locations. Nor is there a shortcut in any start up folder. So I do a search. All that comes up with is the exe program I downloaded, which does me no good whatsoever.

    I uninstall it (it has its own uninstall deal and does not appear in Add & Remove.) By the way when I am installing it it tells me it will take up 0 bytes on my HD...why would that be?

    So I reboot and redownload and try again--same result in all details.

    OK. So I again delete and check the registry. I enter "'virtual desktop manager" without the quotes in the registry searchbox. All it finds is:

    Name Type Data

    ab 001 REG-SC desktop manager

    So can someone help me out with what I can do to get the program working and perhaps answer the followng:

    1. Why does the program not take up space on my HD?
    2. What does ab stand for or mean?
    3. What does REG_SC stand for or mean?

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  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Make sure you are downloading the XP version.
    You can get it direct from M$ here

    Select "Complete" option when installing.

    When you have installed it, Right click on the taskbar, click toolbars, and then click "Desktop Manager." This will put the Virtual Desktop Manager in the taskbar.(view attachment below).

    To view all 4 desktops click the green button,to view individual desktops click the relevant numbered button.

    You can uninstall via Add/Remove. Look for "Virtual Desktop Manager Powertoy For XP. (close the manager first before running uninstall,Right click on the taskbar, click toolbars, and then uncheck "Desktop Manager.)

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by Reverend; December 26th, 2003 at 10:12 AM.

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  3. #3
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    Belmont, NH
    OK. That worked. Thanks. Problem was that I had not realized how I would access the desktop manager.

    But now Ive a similar problem. I also downloaded and installed successfully the powertoy image magnifier.

    How the devil do I acess it?

  4. #4
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    The readme file has all the instructions on how to use the various Powertoys.

    Go to Start > Programs > Powertoys for Windows XP > Readme

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  5. #5
    Triple Platinum Member wumply's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Belmont, NH
    Thanks again, Reverend

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