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Thread: Stripe is on a Quiet PC binge

  1. #1
    My Name is.... TZ Veteran Stripe's Avatar
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    Talking Stripe is on a Quiet PC binge

    Hey guys, I'm on a bingee to quiet down the jet engine....oops...I mean pc. Currently, all I've gotten is the following:

    PAPST Ultra-Quiet 80mm FAN-PAPST-8 Case Fans

    I am thinking about getting these:
    SilentDrive Enclosures

    But I'm worried about heat. I read a few reviews and they appear to work.

    The Register review

    mikhailtech review

    What are your guys thoughts on enclosing harddrives?

  2. #2
    Titanium Member Tinker's Avatar
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    I just turn up the tunes and the fan can no longer be heard...

    IMHO air flow is what adds life to your computer and its working parts. If you cut off the air flow you will shorten the life........

  3. #3
    My Name is.... TZ Veteran Stripe's Avatar
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    Airflow is absolutely a must.....but with in-laws invading my pad, I've been threatened by the wifie to shut the pc's down

    The world may end if I have to do that

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Super Moderator Big Booger's Avatar
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    If those In-laws are Japanese, they should be used to sounds.. pachinko parlors spinning like a banshee on crack, cars honking, bosozoku whizzing by, kids screaming...

    The tiny burrrrr of the PC should be almost therapeutic for them

    Just yanking your pud. Are the hard drives making all the noise or is it the case fans? If it is the hard drives making that much noise, then those HDD case enclosures might do the trick. I know maxtor makes a hard drive silencing mode or something like that. You have to check in your hard drive properties and see if there is a setting for something of that nature.

    Where is your PC placed? Is it setting up on a desk? Or is it underneath?

    I used to put my PC in the desk cabinet. Silenced it down quite a bit. At night, I'd shut the cabinet door and the sound would nearly disappear. I guess you might have to sound proof the cabinet if you want the sound to totally vanish.

  5. #5
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    I presume the "Jet Engine" noise is due to having so many case fans and not because of noisy HDD's.Therefore adding SilentDrives wouldn't really serve any purpose.IMHO

    A better option would be to lag the case with sound proofing material.There are many sound proofing products around and most overclocking stores will stock them.

    Just as an example,here's a review by Frosty Tech of a product called Melamine Foam.

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  6. #6
    all bets are off... TZ Veteran SupaStar's Avatar
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    Can I recommend the following?

    Download here:

    Lowers the speed of your fans (depending on the temperature), thus reducing noise. This little puppy helps me get to sleep at night

    Check it out!

  7. #7
    Near Life Experienced TZ Veteran zipp51's Avatar
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    Just a thought on the noise.If your computers are in a seperate room and the noise is heard in say a livingroom off to the side then you can put one of those white noise boxes in the offending area.They work.WHITE NOISE And here is another where you can buy.Buy It Here

    This will calm those inlaws down.LOL
    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  8. #8
    My Name is.... TZ Veteran Stripe's Avatar
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    Well, I've listened carefully to the pc and found it is the whirring on the harddrives that make the most of the noise (just in case I grabbed those PABST fans )

    The PC sits on the ground in a corner. Believe it or not, the PC is quiet for a monster with 4 fans (6 including the PSU) and 6 hard drives. I am just looking at decreasing the noise more. I already have a quiet CPU fan (a Zahlman CNPS6000-Cu ) and so now I'm moving to the other noisy components in the pc.

  9. #9
    My Name is.... TZ Veteran Stripe's Avatar
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    A month and a half later I finally get around to installing the hardware

    All I can say is WOW!!!

    Replaced the fans with some Papst fans and placed the Harddrive in the drive enclosure and I cannot hear that PC. Now it makes my server sounds like a jet engine:O Looks like more quiet upgrades.

    Next batch:

    3~4 of these Papst Fans
    And one of these Enermax PSU

  10. #10
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    The speed of those PAst fans is low compared to the airflow. Nice fans!!
    It seems that once again I saw a post late
    I was going to recomend changing the PSU. I have a noise activated led, which used to be always lit, and then I changed my PSU to an Antec, and the led now only lits when I talk
    I also use Antec fans. They are a bit noisuer than those, bit they regulate speed according to the temperature. The PSU also does this.
    To top it off, the PSU also has a special line of molex just for Fans, and with the included 5 1/4 bay, you can regulate the fans speed. I actually keep speeds up, so the PC can be cooler. Have in mind that I have 6 hard drives, all are 7200 rpm, and 3 of them are 160 GB which produce lots of heat. MY PC is a jet, but then, I can turn down the noise if I want, in exchange for some degress. I keep the PC at 35 c usually, but even with the fans @ low RPM the temp doesn't go over 45. (talking about CPU)
    Have in mind that I have aluminium case thought. With my previous case the temp were higher.

  11. #11
    Security Intelligence TZ Veteran cash_site's Avatar
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    Nice work with temp controlled fans, makes a huge difference, i saw some specs that go from 20db at low speed to 45db at full speed. Thats a big difference, especially for your server applications etc

    --- 0wN3D by 3gG ---

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    I recommend silenx fans, not papst, more cfm & less noise.

    About silent drive enclosures... I don't know what to tell you, my HDD is seagate, really quiet, I dont hear it, even the heads moving, the disk is 1 meter away of my ears...
    Last edited by Clandestino; October 6th, 2004 at 01:53 AM.

  13. #13
    Titanium Member
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    LOL I wonder if it's possible to record the sounds the fans emit (mechanical/vibrational and aerodynamic) and play back (out of phase) for a noise-cancelling effect.

    Maybe we can come up with software that will enable one to record ambient and generated noise and, with parametric, general equalizer, and phase shift controls, be able to control and cancel the perceived noise from differing positions relative to the source. We are all instant millionaires - don't idea - wait, my ideas are usually already a reality (sometimes) I'll go back now to my big mac budget.........

    *Any recording software or device can possibly do this. Many are gullible to specific purpose fix-alls and packaging - especially when advertising with a "testimonial" geared campain.

    "works great - neighbors can sleep now" "my dog use to howl"
    Last edited by lynchknot; October 6th, 2004 at 03:21 AM.

  14. #14
    Security Intelligence TZ Veteran cash_site's Avatar
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    Excellent marketing ideas Lynch... now Zen can whip up the Brochures, Im sure FG can gather up some 'hardware', someone else can write the email scam... then we're all rich, rich I tell you!!

    --- 0wN3D by 3gG ---

  15. #15
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    I can be the customer relationship/salesman. BTW, I would need that technology right away, since my PC has a mini jet engine

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