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Thread: Updated lots, Now MS help, update, restore and hotmail ++ broken

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Updated lots, Now MS help, update, restore and hotmail ++ broken

    I got the crazy idea this weekend to update everything on my computer. I got sp2 a week or two ago and had no problems other than it is annoying. This weekend I updated my dirvers for my mobo and vid card and had no problems. I upgraded my zone alarm to zonalarm security suite and had no problems. I removed my Norton systemworks 2003 and tried to replace it with Norton Anti 2004.This is where my problems began.

    At first it woudldn't register because of some A8key error. I looked on their website and found the fix. While I was working with it, on the install...the install window would ocassionally just not show up. I waited enough time, it just wouldn't show up. Symantec has an automated support thing I had used eairlier, and it worked then, but at this point when that program started to open, it and the webpage would close on their own. After several reboots and such I got it installed. Then, the Antivirus wouldn't open. It would load at the start, it showed autoprotect was enabled, but if I dbl clicked on it or right clicked and it open, I would get nothing. If I right clicked and hit configure, that would open, just not the acutal antivirus.

    I removed Norton, and tried again, with the same result. I wasn't sure what was wrong with all the stuff I had done, so I stupidly used windows restore. This is where my real problems began. I tried to restore to the last point which was a day before I did most things. I never got the windows logo screen that says something like restoring to an eairler point. It went to my desktop, showed my background and froze. Nothing else. I pulled the plug and rebooted. When I got back, things seemed normal, but norton and zonealram didn't show as installed and I couldn't connect to the web. I found parts of both programs still on my computer in startup and services. I figure restore must be a bad idea if you upgraded a program? Anyway I thought my net was gone because part of zonealarm was that remained was blocking it. I re-intalled and removed both programs one at a time to see if it would clean

    out the programs totally. It did, and I got my net connection back. So I reinstalled Zonealarm security suite and figured I would use its anti-virus for now. And no, I didn't have it running at all when I was trying to get Norton to work. Everthing seemed fine playing aorund for hours last night.


    I'm having all sorts of problems. When I got to then click on hotmail, I get a blank window. When I log

    into messanger and go to hotmail from there I get my inbox, but I can't click on anything. Can't open email, can't delete. I can put a check next to emails, to delte, but nothing works that brings up another window. I've set every explorer setting to the lowest security I can think of and I've set zonealarm not to start on startup and rebooted. I also reinstalled java. On the other hand YAHOO email works just fine. (I take that back, I can read yahoo emails, but the buttons such as delete, new, not spam etc don't do anything when I push them.)

    When I go to I get a blank page, no matter how I get there. If I got do start-accessories-system tools-restore I get a blank page. If I got to start-help support, nothing happens.

    I have no idea what to do. I was going to try to re-install xp over what I have now to repair anything wrong with it, but apparently my ex-roomate with sticky fingers ran off with it, so I don't even have xp if I wanted to wipe my hd!!!

    I've ran trend micro's online virus scanner several times, and it did find a trojen which was deleted. I've also ran Zone Alarms anti-virus which found nothing. When installing Norton it did a pre-virus scan and found nothing. I

    have also ran TuneUp Utilities 2004's 1 click maintenance several times through the process to correct errors.

    Something that may help, I don't know. I have my OS on one drive with very little apps on it. I have all my apps on another drive. Before I installed sp2 I backed up my os drive on another drive using Powerquest drive image 2002.

    I really don't know much about these things at all, I just like to play. I really wish I hadn't have had the uge to change anything this weekend. Please help!

    P.S. I also have a program called iespell to check my spelling here..that nothing happens when I click on it.

    Windows XP home sp2
    Athnlon 1800/767MB
    Raedon 9600 pro Atlantis
    Audigy 2

  2. #2
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    With regards to your windows update problem i recommend you read this post from our front page SP2 Pop-Up Blocker May Block Windows Update and follow the instructions.

    Your MSN/Hotmail problems may be caused by a spyware/adware hijack. I suggest you read Egghead's Spyware removal thread
    Last edited by Reverend; September 6th, 2004 at 21:00 PM.

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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I don't think that it is either one. While trying to fix it, I tured off the pop-up blocker. Just for fun I tried following his instructions and turned it back on and added the page to exception list. No change. I get a blank white window.

    As for spy-wear. I run updated spy-bot search and destroy every day. I re-ran it just for fun. No changes

    My Ati Catalyst control center will not open either.
    Last edited by HeathPeine; September 6th, 2004 at 21:32 PM.

  4. #4
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Have you tried uninstalling SP2 via Add/Remove and reverting back to SP1 ??

    Then reinstall SP2.

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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Nope. I didn't realize you could through add/remove lol. I'll try that next.

  6. #6
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeathPeine
    Nope. I didn't realize you could through add/remove lol. I'll try that next.
    Forgot to mention,only via Add/Remove if you chose the archive option when you installed it.

    Alternatively you could try reinstalling SP2 over the top of the current one.Just run the setup again.

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  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Ok, I uninstalled sp2, but is there anyway to re-install it when you can't get to ?

    I've been looking and I think my only option is to wait 4-6 weeks through the mail.
    Last edited by HeathPeine; September 6th, 2004 at 22:57 PM.

  8. #8
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    I always recommend users download the full network install version.It is bigger,(266 MB),but you can back it up to CD and use it in the future if you ever have to format.Saves going to windows update each time you format.Well worth the download time.

    Get the Network Install here Windows XP Service Pack 2

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  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Done, no changes at all

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    I uninstalled sp2, and reinstalled it. After the reboot it got to the windows logo screen where it says windows and there the little green bar moving around. Instead of the bar it said please wait. It said it for 30mins. I finally pulled the plug and rebooted. Everthing was just as it was before I reinstalled sp2.

    I installed webroot spysweeper and used it. It found lots of stuff spybot didnt' list. Rebooted, no change. I installed Norton Anti 2004. It seeming installed fine, until it got to the part where you configure it. The first window poped up and most (but not all) the words and graphics were missing. The "next" button was present. I pushed it and nothing happend. I thought I would try running some anti-virus again. I guess I'll try to reinstall zone alarm secruity suit.

  11. #11
    Techzonez Governor Super Moderator Conan's Avatar
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    If reformatting is an option for you, I would create a slipstreamed disk of XP with the SP2 incorporated into it and then reformat and reinstall.

    Slipstreaming programs here:


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