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Thread: Running PHP/MYsql software on your home PC?

  1. #1
    Platinum+ Member bhxtyrant's Avatar
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    Running PHP/MYsql software on your home PC?

    Hey guys,I was wondering is there a way i can isntall and run PHP/MYsql software such as vBulletin forums on my PC and actually run them for testing purposes on my PC?Reason i ask is i currently use vB3.0.7 now i plan to upgrade to 3.5.0 but according to the vB guys i will have to rebuild all my custom style templates for 3.5.So i was hoping theres a way to do this on my PC then once there done transfer them online.ANyone have any idea's/suggestions?

  2. #2
    Nobody knows I'm a dog. TZ Veteran petard's Avatar
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    You'll also need IIS or Apache. Or some sort of web server. It's do-able.

    Many thanks to egghead for the cool .sig

  3. #3
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    You are allowed to run a test version on your current server,which is a lot easier than running from your PC.

    The license agreement states:

    "If you have a valid license, you may set up an additional test forum in order to test code, template and database modifications. To make this clear to us and our license verification procedures, place it in a directory called 'testvb' and be sure to password protect it. It must not be accessible by the general public. "

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  4. #4
    Platinum+ Member bhxtyrant's Avatar
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    Yeah i was thinking about that as well Reverend.I will more then likely just do it that way.Probally save me a few threads here and headaches :-p thanks for the reply.

  5. #5
    Head Honcho Administrator Reverend's Avatar
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    Don't forget there's a lot of changes between 3.0x and 3.5x,not just styles/templates,so i would recommend you read this post

    Also check out this post

    If you need any further help,just ask.

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  6. #6
    Platinum+ Member bhxtyrant's Avatar
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    Jan 2005
    Thansk alot,I appreciate that yeah i know what you mean.I'm glad i never completely finished my 3.0.7 templates or i would have been mad to have to totally rebuild them all over again from scratch.I've been doing alot of reading over at and about 3.5.It's alot of work but i think it will be worth it to upgrade just for the bug fixes and added security of having the latest version.Not to mention the new plugins system sounds very interesting for me as i plan to intergrate my entire site with vB to use it as a CMS.

  7. #7
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    Just as an completion point to the original question, there are packages that have bundled Apache/Php, and MySQL (or AMP as it is called these group of bundled apps).
    I recently used phpdev. there is even a page with instructions how to set this up.
    thought I used to install Apache, PHP, and MySQL all by myself. I got pretty good at installing Apache and Php in windows
    This is the tutorial
    Edit [again] for securing MySQL, just read the instalation manual. It is pretty easy, considering I don't know how to use mySQL.
    Here is a direct link
    Last edited by Dehcbad25; November 5th, 2005 at 04:05 AM.

  8. #8
    Banned adeydas's Avatar
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    If you ask me installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on Windows is very easy by itself. If you are game for that, PM me and I'll be glad to help you out.

  9. #9
    Succeded in braking Windo TZ Veteran Dehcbad25's Avatar
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    the instalation packages have improved a lot lately. It is almost automatic

  10. #10
    Banned adeydas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dehcbad25
    the instalation packages have improved a lot lately. It is almost automatic
    I agree!!!

  11. #11
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2006
    Yeah, adeydas is right. It's easy to install Apache, PHP and MySQL for Windows. But there is another alternative, you can try out VMWare and install Linux in you PC too. Just that it will take some CPU resources.

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